Orange Oasis Tufted Square Pillow | Throwpillow
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The Burnt Orange Oasis Tufted Square Pillow is a unique and stylish addition to any home décor. Its warm burnt orange color adds a touch of sophistication to any room and pairs well with neutral or earthy color schemes. The tufted design, semi-circle pattern, and thick tassels on the sides all contribute to the pillows textured and dimensional look.


This pillow offers great visual appeal and is also comfortable and versatile, making it an excellent choice for a bed, couch, or armchair. The tassels add a bohemian flair to the design and give it a whimsy, making it an excellent choice for those who want to add a bit of personality to their space.


Overall, it is a stylish way to refresh any room in your home. Its unique design and versatile colour make it a must-have for anyone who values both comfort and style.

Components: Single piece
Type: Tufted
Composition: Premium décor fabric
Colour: Burnt Orange
Square shaped
Closure: Zipper

Orange Oasis Tufted Square Pillow


Spot Clean/ Dry Clean only /Mild detergent wash

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