Neutral Fringe Trim Linen Cushion Cover- Conscious Living | Throwpillow
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A neutral fringe trim linen cushion cover can be a great addition to both modern minimalistic Scandinavian and coastal interiors. The linen fabric is a natural material that fits well with the focus on natural materials and conscious living that is often associated with both of these design styles.


The neutral colour of the cushion cover also complements the minimalistic aesthetic of the Scandinavian design style while also fitting in with the coastal design style, which often incorporates calm, neutral colours inspired by the natural colours of the beach and sea.


The use of natural materials in decorating can have a spiritual significance as it creates a sense of connection to the natural world and promotes feelings of peace and tranquillity.


Linen, in particular, is a natural and breathable fabric that can help create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere in the room. The neutral colour of the cushion cover also promotes a sense of calm and serenity, making it the perfect addition to any room that is designed to promote relaxation and rest.


The neutral fringe trim linen cushion cover design is a versatile and stylish choice that can help to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in any modern minimalistic Scandinavian or coastal interior, while also promoting feelings of calm and serenity through the use of natural materials and neutral colours.


Components: Single piece

Colour: Neutral CushionSquare shaped

Closure: Zipper

Style- Conscious Collection

Type- Neutral Fringe Cushion


Neutral Fringe Trim Linen Cushion Cover- Conscious Living


Spot Clean/ Dry Clean only /Mild detergent wash

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