Light Blue Floor Cushion Topper | Throwpillow
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Stylish Lounge Topper that's Practical, Durable, and Comfortable!


1. Couch Topper-


A perfect way to protect a new sofa, revamp a tired sofa, or add color and style to your living space!


Whether you have sofa-loving dogs, small children, or an eye for interior design, a tassel couch topper ensures your sofa looks great and remains in perfect condition.


2. Restore your sagged couch seats 🛋and add comfort-


If you're wondering how to make your couch more comfortable, the key is to accessorize with our couch topper. Our Extra-soft premium couch topper provides unbeatable comfort and it is like sitting on a cloud.

3. Car Seat-


Multifunctional Lounge Cushion can be used to provide comfortable seating for a long car trip or create more room for rest, sleep, or playtime for your kids.

4. Baby Mat-


Use it as a play mat or crawling mat. It lets your baby use their muscles to explore in a natural way. When your baby is on the floor they can do the tummy time which they need to strengthen their muscles.


5. Yoga or Meditation Mat-


Just like you need a proper bed for a good night’s sleep, a high-quality meditation cushion is a must if you want to establish a consistent practice. Use it to meditate for a long period of time not only manageable but truly comfortable.


6. Travel Friendly for Picnics/Easy to Carry


Designed from High-quality decor fabrics, with a reverse and a super-soft filling, they are washable and easy to care for. A hand-brush or soft vacuum will keep your Sofa Topper free from fur, dirt, and dust.


Light Blue Floor Cushion Topper

9.951,00₹ Giá thông thường
7.960,80₹Giá bán rẻ

TYPE                                             Size 

Floor Cushion topper                23 x 23 

Floor Cushion topper               23 x 43

Floor Cushion topper              23 x 63

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