Teal Blue Couch Topper with Tassels | Throwpillow
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A bay window topper is a decorative element that sits at the top of a bay window.

Bay window seats are popular in residential architecture and can be found in a variety of settings, including living rooms and bedrooms.


Some common uses for bay window seats include:

  • Reading nook: Bay window seats provide a comfortable and quiet space for reading, either alone or with others.

  • Additional seating: In a living room or dining room, a bay window seat can provide additional seating space for guests.

  • Relaxation space: Bay window seats can be used as a space for relaxation and meditation, providing a peaceful and calming retreat from the rest of the house.

  • Decorative feature: Bay window seats can be a beautiful and eye-catching feature in a room, especially when they are custom-built to match the surrounding architecture and decor.


Available in Sizes 

45X60Cms / 18X24 Inches

45X91 Cms / 18X36 Inches

45X 121 Cms / 18X48  Inches

45X152 Cms / 18X60  Inches

45X182 Cms / 18X72 Inches


For color and size customisation , connect on our whatsapp number - +91 8377881009.

Teal Blue Couch Topper with Tassels


TYPE                                    Size 

1 Seater                              23 x 23 

2 Seater                              23 x 43 

3 Seater                              23 x 63

4 Seater                              23 x 83

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